The Truth About Trees

People have different ideas about what truth is. Today, I am going to talk about some of those ideas and what I think about them.

A tree at night.

When I look at a tree, I get a picture in my head of a tree. When I look at flowers, I get a picture in my head of flowers. When I look at Sheepie, I get a picture in my head of a silly old sheep who is very annoying.

Most people think that there is a world outside our heads, and our senses tell us things about that world. Our senses help us build a picture in our heads about what the world is like.

For example, when I look out of the bedroom window, my senses tell me that I can see a tree. In my head, I get a picture of a tree with green leaves and brown branches. It is tall, and moves about when my senses tell me that the wind is blowing. I have watched the tree in Summer and Winter, so I have different pictures in my head that tell me how it changes at different times of the year. To me, it is a very friendly tree, and the pictures in my head are nice pictures (but not as good as the pictures of trees that JB can draw).

The picture of the tree that I have in my head is different from the picture that Fun Giraffe has. Fun Giraffe is often busy doing “Bouncing Around” during the day, but at night he likes to rest, and to look outside.

Because he mostly looks outside at it at night, the pictures of the tree in Fun Giraffe’s head are mostly in black and white. He says that the tree makes “gloomy shapes”. He says that it makes “friendly shadows against the sky”, and that he likes the way the moon shines through its branches. He listens to the sound of the wind in the leaves of the tree, and he says that it sounds like a crowd of people whispering. When it is stormy, he says that the tree is lots of people clapping because they like the wind and the rain.

But that is not my picture; it is Fun Giraffe’s picture.

The things that Fun Giraffe likes about the tree – it’s dark colours, its happy sounds – are not things that I had even noticed. The things that I like about the tree are things that he has never seen.

So, today I have been wondering: which of us has a true picture of the tree? Is it me? Is it Fun Giraffe? Or is it neither of us?

And, now I have told you about the tree, you have a picture in your head too. Is your picture true? Is it more true than mine?

If you have any ideas about this, please let me know.


The Only Thing I Know

A remarkably short commentary on Socrates’ profound thought.

Socrates’ Profound Thought

Socrates’ Head.

I do not know where the rest of him has gone.

The only thing I know, is that I know nothing.


Brown Bear’s Commentary

How does he know?

Brown Bear

Over to You

What do you think of Socrates’ profound thought?


The Principle of Credulity

The Principle of Credulity was invented by a man called Richard Swinburne, who did a lot of thinking about God and Religion and things like that.

Richard Swinburne wearing a hat.

I do not know why he is holding flowers, but they’re very nice, aren’t they?

What is the Principle of Credulity?

The principle says that if something looks as if it is real, then it probably is real.

For example, if it looks as if I am sitting on the bed and holding a biscuit tin, then I am almost certainly sitting on the bed, holding a biscuit tin.

We ought to believe that things are as they seem to be, until we have evidence that we are mistaken.

Richard Swinburne

Does the Principle of Credulity always work?

Swinburne realized that there are limits to this idea. Normally, it is reasonable to believe that what we experience is real, but sometimes there is a good reason to think that we are been fooled. If this happens – if we think that we are being tricked in some way – then it makes sense to think that what looks true might not be as real as it appears.

Example: Biscuits from Your Ears

Imagine, for example, that you see someone pull a chocolate biscuit out of a container; out of a biscuit tin, for example. In that case, it is reasonable for you to think that the biscuit is real, and that the container is real, and that the container used to have a biscuit in it, and that the biscuit is now in the person’s hand (or possibly their tummy by the time you’ve thought all this). All these things look as if they are real, so normally we can suppose that they are real.

However, imagine that the person you are watching is dressed as a magician, and instead of pulling the chocolate biscuit out of a tin, he pulls it out of your ear! In this case, it would be reasonable to think that what you have seen might not be what really happened. After all, magicians are known for playing tricks on us, for making things look as if they are real when, in fact, they are just pretending. So, unless you are known for keeping chocolate biscuits in your ears, it is likely that what you think you have seen isn’t actually what happened.

So, if we have a good reason to think that we have been tricked, we can believe that what we see isn’t really what has happened. On the other hand, if we don’t have a good reason to think that we have been tricked, we would normally assume that the way that things appear to be is actually the same as the way that things actually are.

Chocolate biscuits are my favourite!

Why is the Principle of Credulity important?

The main reason that Swinburne was talking about all this is because he was interested in whether or not God is actually real. Some people say that God isn’t real, and that people who claim that he is real are making a big mistake.

On the other hand, many people say that God has shown himself to them in some way. For example, some say that God has spoken to them, or that God has made them feel certain things or that he has made them think certain thoughts. Different people have different experiences, but to people who have these experiences, God appears to be real and not imaginary. According to the Principle of Credulity, Swinburn says that, since God appears to be real, then it makes sense assume that God is actually real.

Of course, we should ask ourselves if we think these people are being tricked. But, if we have no strong evidence that they are being tricked, we must assume that their experience comes from something that is real. According to Swinburn, then, the fact that God appears to be real is strong evidence that God is actually real.

The Trouble with the Principle of Credulity

I must admit, there are things I don’t like about the Principle of Credulity.

For example, if JB’s eyes tell him that I have eaten all the chocolate biscuits, then it is reasonable for him to assume that I have actually eaten all all the chocolate biscuits.

Perhaps I should try to hide the empty biscuit tin? But, if I do that, how can I explain the chocolate around my mouth, and on the bed sheets? What should I say if JB asks me why there are crumbs in my ears?

Perhaps I can persuade JB that he has been tricked somehow, and that Sheepie is doing something to get me into trouble.

What Do You Think?

Please let me know if you have any ideas about this, or about anything else that I have written about.
