Hello! This site is all about the things that I have been thinking about.
Although I am quite a busy bear, I do like to set aside time just to think about things. This is important work for a bear, especially for a brown one like me.
Here are some of the things that I like to think about:
- Why am I here?
- What is true?
- Am I real, or just the figment of someone else’s imagination?
- Do I make my own choices, or does someone make them for me?
- Where does right and wrong come from?
- What happens when I wear out?
- Why is my nose getting chewed?
- Is it dinner time, yet?
I have decided to write down some of my very best thoughts about these things. I do hope that you enjoy reading them!
Brown bear is silly and he smells like kippers.
Where’s my charger? Has one of you taken it again?
No. We haven’t seen it. We have not been using it to charge random things. We have not tried to charge Sheepie’s brain. We are not hiding it under Dancing Bear’s bottom. We do not know what a charger is. We have never, ever seen one.
Perhaps you could try looking in a different room, and look in here again in a few minutes?